Stormhouse is a British horror film which received its world premiere at the 65th Edinburgh International Film Festival on June 23 and 24, 2011. Dan Turner directed, Dean Fisher produced and I wrote and executive-produced.
It's about the military capturing a supernatural entity, in 2002. The British government send New York 'ghost whisperer' Hayley Sands to the secret Stormhouse base to broach contact with the entity... and all Hell breaks loose. Stormhouse was shot at location at a UK military base in August 2010. Cast and crew lived on-site, adhering to a military-style regime for added authenticity. After Edinburgh, Stormhouse went on to play the London Film 4 FrightFest, the Chichester International Film Festival and the Los Angeles Screamfest. It had a US release date of February 7 2012 through Lionsgate Home Entertainment (see it at Amazon US). The UK release: July 9, 2012 via High Fliers (see it at Amazon UK). |